Pricing & Packages


Family Session

60-90 minutes at a location we choose together with the whole family circus.
Includes up to 8 people, additional or extended family contact me directly to discuss changes to time and cost.

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Changes or Add-ons are available!

I know that your family and situation is not a one-size-fits-all, so if one of these packages doesn't quite fit, that's okay! We can customize almost anything to fit your needs.

Add-ons are also available in the form of custom made photo books, prints of session pictures, prints of scenery or culture pictures, announcements, Christmas cards..... the possibilities are endless.


How do I book a shoot?

Contact me and I'll answer any other questions you might have and send you my availability. For full sessions you can schedule any time I have availability in the next year. Mini sessions might have designated dates!

Do you offer payment plans?

A deposit is required at the time of booking and the full amount is due when we have our session. Spreading payments out between those two events is possible if you contact me.

What is your typical timeline?

You should receive a response from your initial contact within 2 business days. After that it will all depend on additional questions, scheduling etc. Once you're booked I'll send you some more information about what will happen on the day of our session!

What payment methods are available?

I can accept almost any form of payment through my website. If you have a question on a specific form you can contact me!

Do you have a referral program?

I love referrals! After your gallery is delivered you'll receive an email for more information about referrals and future bookings!